Used Oak Barrels

Through relationships with some of the world’s leading wineries, we have access to a supply of high quality used oak wine barrels for sale. They’re ideal for barrel aging by breweries, distilleries, or re-use in wineries. 

These neutral oak barrels are an economical alternative to buying new. They typically range from 4-10 years old and are made of French, American, and Hungarian oak. We have a mix of barrels previously used for red and white wine aging, giving them flexibility for secondary use aging craft beer, spirits, red wine, or white wine.

In addition to used oak wine barrels for sale, we also have access to bourbon barrels and foeders – large oak vessels used by wineries that can hold up to about 5,000 gallons. Craft brewers serious about their barrel aging find foeders attractive as they reduce the amount of barrel handling required, increase the wood-to-beer ratio, and make blending easier.

Minimum orders of 20 apply for our used wine barrels. Please inquire about foeders. If you’re interested in learning more about either vessel or about pricing and purchasing, please contact us